resteasy-grpc: Handling Collections

By Ron Sigal | February 14, 2025

Release 1.0.0.Alpha6 of resteasy-grpc (see also gRPC Bridge Project: User Guide) has a new facility for handling implementations of java.util.List and java.util.Set. In order to handle arbitrary implementations, idiosyncratic details of particular implementating classes are ignored and all implementations are assigned the least common nature of lists and sets. That is, an implementation of java.util.List is considered to be an ordered sequence and is translated to a protobuf message type of the form

    message java_util___ArrayList16 {
      string classname = 1;
      repeated int32 data = 2;

and an implementation of java.util.Set is considered to be an unordered collection and is translated to a protobuf message type of the form

    message java_util___HashSet3 {
      string classname = 1;
      repeated string data = 2;

The classname field holds the name of the Java class and is used for translating the class in the protobuf world (which we call the javabuf class) back to its Java counterpart. We’ll elaborate in due course. First, however, we want to be able to distinguish between, for example, ArrayList<String> and ArrayList<Integer>, which means introducing a treatment of generic types and type variables into resteasy-grpc. Note that the suffix numbers like 16 and 3 are used to distinguish the protubuf versions of, for example, ArrayList<String> and ArrayList<Integer>.

Generic types

Generic types are yet another semantic concept in Java that has no direct counterpart in protobuf, so we have to find a workaround. The important thing is to define a protobuf message whose repeated field matches the type of the list or set. Consider java_util___ArrayList16. That would be a reasonable representation of ArrayList<Integer>. Similarly, java_util___HashSet3 would be a reasonable representation of HashSet<String>. The JavaToProtobufGenerator class in the grpc-bridge module generates the protobuf messages and decorates them as follows:

    // List: java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer>
    message java_util___ArrayList16 {
      string classname = 1;
      repeated int32 data = 2;

    // Set: java.util.HashSet<java.lang.String>
    message java_util___HashSet3 {
      string classname = 1;
      repeated string data = 2;

These are two simple examples. Consider something a little more complicated: java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashSet<java.lang.String>>:

    // List: java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashSet<java.lang.String>>
    message java_util___ArrayList14 {
      string classname = 1;
      repeated java_util___HashSet3 data = 2;

Recall that the javabuf analog of java.util.HashSet<java.lang.String> has already been defined, so that the data field in java_util___ArrayList14 is of type java_util___HashSet3.

A complication arises in the form of type variables and wildcards. The solution adopted in resteasy-grpc is to map unassigned type variables and wildcards to java.lang.Object, which makes sense, since they can take any types at runtime. The protobuf analog to java.lang.Object is google.protobuf.Any, which is defined

    message Any {
       string type_url = 1;
       bytes value = 2;

The type_url field indicates the type, e.g.,, where x.y is the package declared in the .proto file. The value field has built-in type bytes, which “May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes no longer than 2^32”, according to

Suppose we have the Jakarta REST resource methods

    package x.y;

    public void gr_raw(Grimble g1) {

    public void gr_wildcard(Grimble<?> g1) {

    public <T> void gr_variable(Grimble<T> g1) {

    public void gr_string(Grimble<String> g1) {

    public void gr_integer(Grimble<Integer> g1) {

where x.y.Grimble is

    public class Grimble<T> {
        T t;

JavaToProtobufGenerator would create the rpc and message definitions

    // p/grimble/raw x_y___Grimble google.protobuf.Empty GET sync
      rpc gr_raw (GeneralEntityMessage) returns (GeneralReturnMessage);

    // p/grimble/wildcard x_y___Grimble18 google.protobuf.Empty GET sync
      rpc gr_wildcard (GeneralEntityMessage) returns (GeneralReturnMessage);

    // p/grimble/variable x_y___Grimble18 google.protobuf.Empty GET sync
      rpc gr_variable (GeneralEntityMessage) returns (GeneralReturnMessage);

    // p/grimble/string x_y___Grimble19 google.protobuf.Empty GET sync
      rpc gr_string (GeneralEntityMessage) returns (GeneralReturnMessage);

    // p/grimble/integer x_y___Grimble20 google.protobuf.Empty GET sync
      rpc gr_integer (GeneralEntityMessage) returns (GeneralReturnMessage);

    // Type: x.y.Grimble
    message x_y___Grimble {
      google.protobuf.Any t = 1;

    // Type: x.y.Grimble<java.lang.Object>
    message x_y___Grimble18 {
      google.protobuf.Any t = 1;

    // Type: x.y.Grimble<java.lang.String>
    message x_y___Grimble19 {
      string t = 1;

    // Type: x.y.Grimble<java.lang.Integer>
    message x_y___Grimble20 {
      int32 t = 1;

The details about the rpc comments are described elsewhere (gRPC Bridge Project: User Guide), but here it’s enough to know that the rpc definition

    // p/grimble/variable x_y___Grimble18 google.protobuf.Empty GET sync
      rpc gr_variable (GeneralEntityMessage) returns (GeneralReturnMessage);

for example, indicates that the entity type for method gr_variable is x_y_Grimble18.


  1. There are four different variations on x_y___Grimble here, one for each of x.y.Grimble, x.y.Grimble<java.lang.Object>, x.y.Grimble<java.lang.String>, and x.y.Grimble<java.lang.Integer>.

  2. The comments on the rpc definitions of gr_wildcard() and gr_variable() indicate that both take input parameters x_y_Grimble18, which is the generated protobuf representation of x.y.Grimble<java.lang.Object>. This convergence follows from the fact that the wildcard and the open type variable are both represented by java.lang.Object.

  3. The definition of x_y___Grimble18, which represents x.y.Grimble<java.lang.Object>, has a single element of type google.protobuf.Any, which, as discussed above, represents an arbitrary type, making it an appropriate translation of java.lang.Object.

The discussion about generic types and type variables applies to lists and sets. For example,

    public ArrayList<HashSet<?>> arraylistHashsetTest2(ArrayList<HashSet<?>> l) {
        return l;

gives rise to

    // List: java.util.ArrayList<java.util.HashSet<java.lang.Object>>
    message java_util___ArrayList13 {
      string classname = 1;
      repeated java_util___HashSet2 data = 2;
    // Set: java.util.HashSet<java.lang.Object>
    message java_util___HashSet2 {
      string classname = 1;
      repeated google.protobuf.Any data = 2;

Lists and sets at runtime

Here we’ll discuss a gRPC client intending to communicate with a Jakarta REST server. The subject is covered in detail in gRPC Bridge Project: User Guide, but here we will look at sending and receiving Collections. For example, consider the resource method

    public ArrayList<?> listArray0(ArrayList<Integer> list) {
        return list;

We’ve seen that java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> translates to javabuf class java_util___ArrayList16. So the client has to create an instance of java_util___ArrayList16 to send to the server. There are two possible strategies. One is to work in the javabuf world:

    java_util___ArrayList16.Builder juaBuilder = java_util___ArrayList16.newBuilder();
    java_util___ArrayList16 jua =;

Alternatively, one could create an ArrayList and translate it to an java_util___ArrayList16:

    ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    GenericType<java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer>> type = new GenericType<java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer>>() { };
    java_util___ArrayList16 jua = (java_util___ArrayList16) translator.translateToJavabuf(list, type);

where translator is an instance of dev.resteasy.grpc.bridge.runtime.protobuf.JavabufTranslator. The next step is to build a GeneralEntityMessage:

    GeneralEntityMessage.Builder gemBuilder = GeneralEntityMessage.newBuilder();

Then the remote method can be invoked:

    GeneralReturnMessage response = stub.listArray0(gem);

where stub is the client side representative of the server methods. Finally, the result can be extracted from the GeneralReturnMessage. Note that listArray0 returns an instance of ArrayList<?>, which translates to javabuf class

    // List: java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Object>
    message java_util___ArrayList17 {
       string classname = 1;
       repeated google.protobuf.Any data = 2;

This complicates things a bit since we have to extract the returned list from an Any.

    java_util___ArrayList17 result = response.getJavaUtilArrayList17Field();
    Any any = response.getAnyField();
    Message result = any.unpack((Class) Utility.extractClassFromAny(any, translator));
    list = (ArrayList<Object>) translator.translateFromJavabuf(result);


Stay tuned for the next release, which which implementations of java.util.Map will be treated in a similar way.


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