resteasy-grpc: Handling arrays
By Ron Sigal | January 23, 2024
Release 1.0.0.Alpha5 of resteasy-grpc has a new feature for handling arbitrary arrays. Although protobuf comes with a representation of one dimension arrays, e.g.
message ints {
repeated int64 is = 1;
represents an array int[]
, there is no built-in way of handling multidimensional arrays like int[][]
, so we
have to do it explicitly.
The mechanism has two parts:
- arrays.proto, which defines
, and dev.resteasy.grpc.arrays.ArrayUtility
in grpc-bridge-runtime.
arrays.proto looks like this:
message dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___BooleanArray {
repeated bool bool_field = 1;
message dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ByteArray {
bytes bytes_field = 1;
message dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___AnyArray {
repeated google.protobuf.Any any_field = 1;
message dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolderArray {
repeated dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder arrayHolder_field = 1;
message dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder {
string componentClass = 1;
oneof messageType {
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___BooleanArray booleanArray_field = 3;
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ByteArray byteArray_field = 4;
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___AnyArray anyArray_field = 12;
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolderArray arrayHolderArray_field = 13;
It starts with a definition of array message types for
- all primitive types,
, anddev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder
Then, dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder
is defined with a oneof field that can
hold any of these array message types. The self-referential field
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolderArray arrayHolderArray_field = 13;
is what allows a dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder
to represent arrays with any number of
Compiling arrays.proto generates dev.resteasy.grpc.arrays.Array_proto
, which gives us a
gateway into the javabuf1 world. Suppose we want to generate a representation of
int[] {3, 5}
. That would look like
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___IntArray.Builder iab = dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___IntArray.newBuilder();
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___IntArray ia =;
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder.Builder ahb = dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder.newBuilder();
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder ah =;
The output would be
componentClass: "int"
intArray_field {
int_field: 1
int_field: 2
A similar, but rather longer, sequence would be required to build a javabuf representation
of int[][] {{3, 5}, {7, 11, 13}}
To avoid the mess, grpc-bridge-runtime includes the class dev.resteasy.grpc.arrays.ArrayUtility
. With ArrayUtility
building the javabuf representation of int[][] {{3, 5}, {7, 11, 13}}
is as easy as
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder holder = ArrayUtility.getHolder(new int[][] {{3, 5}, {7, 11, 13}});
Moreover, ArrayUtility
can turn the dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder
back to the original array:
Object array = ArrayUtility.getArray(holder);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[][] {{3, 5}, {7, 11, 13}}, (int[][]) array);
These two calls to ArrayUtility
depend on the fact that the target array is built from a primitive Java type. If the
array uses an application specific type, then there are two alternative calls that can be used:
public static dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder getHolder(JavabufTranslator translator, Object o);
public static Object getArray(JavabufTranslator translator, Array_proto.dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder ah) throws Exception;
Also, if an application uses arrays, the generated JavabufTranslator
incorporates ArrayUtility
, so that it can be
used instead:
dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder ah = (dev_resteasy_grpc_arrays___ArrayHolder) translator.translateToJavabuf(new int[][] {{3, 5}, {7, 11, 13}});
Object array = translator.translateFromJavabuf(ah);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[][] {{3, 5}, {7, 11, 13}}, (int[][]) array);
Note. The latter point can be usefully expanded, independent of the presence of arrays. Consider the class
package dev.resteasy.grpc.example;
public class C {
private int i;
private double d;
private String s;
public C(int i, double d, String s) {
this.i = i;
this.d = d;
this.s = s;
Using the fluent methods created in, say, C_proto
by the protobuf parser, an instance of
can be created by
C_proto.dev_resteasy_grpc_example___C.Builder cb = C_proto.dev_resteasy_grpc_example___C.newBuilder();
C_proto.dev_resteasy_grpc_example___C c1 = cb.setI(3).setD(5.0).setS("seven").build();
Note that each field must be set individually. On the other hand, given the C(int, double, String)
an instance of C_proto.dev_resteasy_grpc_example___C
can be created more directly:
C_proto.dev_resteasy_grpc_example___C c2 = (C_proto.dev_resteasy_grpc_example___C) translator.translateToJavabuf(new C(3, 5.0, "seven"));
They accomplish the same thing, so the choice is a matter of taste.
at for a discussion of javabuf classes
See the documentation ↩
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