Q4 2023 RESTEasy Quarterly Releases

By James R. Perkins | November 2, 2023

Today we announce some new RESTEasy releases. These are the 2023 Q4 releases. There have been two releases; 5.0.9.Final and 6.2.6.Final.


This is the latest release for the Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1 specification. The release consists mostly of bug fixes and component upgrades. This release includes upgrades to Netty and Undertow for CVE-2023-44487 (Rapid Reset).

Full release notes for this release can be found here.


This is the latest, and preferred, release for the Jakarta RESTful Web Services 2.1 specification. This release is primarily component upgrades with a few bug fixes. This release includes upgrades to Netty and Undertow for CVE-2023-44487 (Rapid Reset).

Full release notes for this release can be found here.


As always, feedback is welcome. Stay safe, and, depending on where you are, stay warm or be cool.


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