Deploying `resteasy-spring` based Project Into WildFly Full Distribution

By Wei Nan Li | October 13, 2021

I have written two blogs about deploying resteasy-spring projects into WildFly in before:

Nevertheless, none of them describing how to deploy resteasy-spring based project into WildFly Full Distribution. In this article I’d like to briefly describing how to do this.

Let’s use the resteasy-spring-basic project as example in resteasy-examples:

This project provides a basic resteasy-spring usage, and it’s README file provides its usage running with embedded Jetty server.

To make this example run in WildFly Full Distribution environment, we first need to change resteasy-spring scope in its dependency. To do this, open the pom.xml file can check this dependency section:


The above dependency needs to be changed to provided scope like this:


Because in WildFly Full Distribution, it already provides the resteasy-spring module by default, so we don’t have to bundle the above dependency into the project WAR file. Now we can package this project by Maven command:

$ mvn package

After the above command finished running, we get the project WAR file:

$ ls target/*.war

We will deploy the above WAR file into WildFly Full Distribution later. Now we can download the newest version of WildFly Full Distribution directly from its Github repository:


When I write this blog, the newest version is 25.0.0.Final:


We can scroll down to the bottom of the above release page, and there are zip file list like this:

wildfly-25.0.0.Final-src.tar.gz 24.5 MB
wildfly-25.0.0.Final-src.tar.gz.sha1 41 Bytes 39.2 MB 41 Bytes
wildfly-25.0.0.Final.tar.gz 210 MB
wildfly-25.0.0.Final.tar.gz.sha1 41 Bytes 211 MB 41 Bytes
wildfly-preview-25.0.0.Final.tar.gz 214 MB
wildfly-preview-25.0.0.Final.tar.gz.sha1 41 Bytes 215 MB 41 Bytes
wildfly-servlet-25.0.0.Final.tar.gz 52.3 MB
wildfly-servlet-25.0.0.Final.tar.gz.sha1 41 Bytes 52.6 MB 41 Bytes
Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)

As the above list shown, there are several kinds of WildFly distributions. For example, the wildfly-servlet is the servlet-only distribution. What we need this is the full distribution, so we can download the file After downloading the zip file, extract it and we get the distribution:

$ unzip
$ $ ls wildfly-25.0.0.Final
LICENSE.txt       README.txt        appclient         bin               copyright.txt     docs              domain            jboss-modules.jar modules           standalone        welcome-content

This distribution contains a complete set of modules. We can do a find in the modules directory to see the RESTEasy Spring modules:

$ find modules | grep spring

As the above command show the Full Distribution contains the resteasy-spring module already, that is why we need to mark the dependency of resteasy-spring in the sample project as provided scoped. Because we can use the above module in WildFly Full Distribution already. Now we can start the WildFly server in standalone mode for demonstration:

$ bin/

After server started, enter the server command line interface:

$ ./
You are disconnected at the moment. Type 'connect' to connect to the server or 'help' for the list of supported commands.
[disconnected /] connect localhost
[standalone@localhost:9990 /]

And then we deploy our project:

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] deploy /my/resteasy-examples/resteasy-spring-basic/target/resteasy-spring-example-basic.war

And from server output we can see the sample project is deployed:

03:17:18,074 INFO  [] (MSC service thread 1-8) WFLYSRV0027: Starting deployment of "resteasy-spring-example-basic.war" (runtime-name: "resteasy-spring-example-basic.war")

After the project is deployed, we can try to access its service with curl command:

$ curl localhost:8080/resteasy-spring-example-basic/rest/foo 

As the result shown above, we can access the service provided by sample project now.

In addition, from resteasy-example 5.0.0.Alpha2, it provides wildfly-plugin to allow you to start WildFly server with Maven command and deploy the example automatically to start the service. Here is the command to do so:

$ mvn wildfly:run

And a WildFly server will be downloaded and run, and the example project will be automatically deployed, which is convenient for testing.

Above is a brief introduction on how to deploy resteasy-spring based project into WildFly Full Distribution. Nevertheless, there are several things need to be noted:

Firstly, the resteasy-spring project is moved out of the resteasy main project, and here is its repository:

And here is the blog that describes the details of the changes:

Secondly, the resteasy-example project has upgraded its dependency of RESTEasy into 5.0.0.Beta1, and here is the commit about the upgrade:

Not all the modules are finished upgrading, so it’s just the first step on this major version upgrade. I plan to release a 5.0.0.Alpha1 release soon.

Thirdly, the WildFly side has adopted RESTEasy 4.7, and here is the blog describing the details of the changes:

At last, because resteasy-spring becomes a separate project now, so we decide to do the migration to use Galleon Feature Pack to replace the current jboss-modules inside WildFly distribution. On resteasy-spring side, this work is still in progress, and here is the commit about it:

After the above commit is done, I’ll do a 2.0.0.Beta1 release of the resteasy-spring project.

That all about the topics I’d like to share with you in this blog.


YourKit supports open source projects with innovative and intelligent tools for monitoring and profiling Java and .NET applications. YourKit is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler, YourKit .NET Profiler, and YourKit YouMonitor